华洋精机HUA YANG -- Huayang Precision Machinery Equipment Co.
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Auto Optic Inspection Machinery    首頁 Home > Our Products

AOI  Auto Optic Inspection

Functions of Product

Apply high resolution CCD with the hardware localizer to take photos and scan them back and forth through a high-speed image contrast method, and save the defect image in the user-defined format to compile information on the defects, in order to provide files for back-end equipment and operators.

Inner Stage

Mechanical Specifications

X/Y axis linear motor

Z axis stepper motor

Anti-shock platform with an air float system

Stage of structural steel

Granite platform


The Features of Products

Identifying defects (residual of photoresist, damage, dust, and contamination)

Viewing Defect Map

Judge Rules for OK/ NG products

Types of defects (Dark /Bright Defect)

Definitions of size defect (S, M, L)

Product specification and the demonstration of Recipe

Viewing the retrieved images


Examples of AOI


                  Scratch                               Circuit Defects                           Other Defects        


HUA YANG Precision Machinery Co.,Ltd
ADD:NO.360,Zhengnan 3rd Rd.,Yongkang Dist.,Tainan City 710,Taiwan(R.O.C)